Recently, I wrote a blog post about how important sleep is (for beauty, health, muscle recovery, and living your best life). I also gave some ways to help you fall asleep or stay asleep! Since then, I have discovered another somewhat natural sleep aid - Orb Sleep Complex - that I’ve really loved. It’s a marriage, in my opinion, between nature and science, and I’d love to share more about it!
I should be honest and share that this post was sponsored by Orb, but I can also promise you that I would never put my name behind something I didn’t believe in, and you know (if you’ve read them in the past) that the reviews I write are always honest! I wouldn’t say that I love or even like something unless it was true!
I consider Orb a natural sleep aid, because it uses melatonin and valerian (two natural supplements that promote relaxation) plus two calming essential oils lavender and ylang ylang to improve sleep quality.
I mentioned in my last post about sleep that I wasn’t fond of melatonin, because when I have taken it in the past, I always had an issue with waking up the next day with what I called a “melatonin hangover.” I would always be SUPER sleepy the next day! It almost made it not worth it, and I would have rather just not slept well, because I woke up energized most of the time anyway (when I just dealt with my untreated sleep problems)!
What I like about Orb is that there’s a special way that the capsule is made with a layered time release of different vitamins (they call it “Terra intelligent dosing”), so that the innermost part of it is actually vitamin B12, which as you may know, energizes you. So even though this is a melatonin natural sleep aid, it doesn’t give you the hangover feeling because you’re energized by the boost of vitamin B12 when you wake up! I DEFINITELY noticed a difference
I have been taking it on and off for a couple weeks now - since we’re leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow (whoa!), I have been both stressed with finalizing plans, as well as super excited - and neither of those are a great combo for sleep! I love that I can still harness my excitement in the morning when I wake up energized to tackle my to-do list of all the things I needed to accomplish before I leave, instead of waking up exhausted or groggy with a melatonin hangover, or just being tired from not sleeping well. It’s been a godsend! I plan to take it with us for the honeymoon, especially since it starts with a redeye flight to a new timezone - hopefully, it’ll help me sleep on the plane, and arrive in Iceland ready to check things out!
I also hope that it helps me manage things in Iceland, where it’s bright outside almost 24 hours per day right now! I got a couple eye masks on amazon, too, to help with that!
If you’re intrigued and want to try Orb yourself, let me know! I’d love to hear who’s interested (and may be able to hook a few friends and family up with some samples)! Those of you who live in California, New Mexico, Arizona, or Colorado can get them at Costco, otherwise everyone is welcome to order from their website! For Costco members, it’s 120 capsules for $28.99 in-store, $29.99 online - and regular retail is $39.99 for 60 capsules… so it really is a crazy good deal!
Have you tried melatonin, valerian, or essential oils to help you sleep? Comment below!
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