Those of you who have known or followed me for a while know that I am very passionate about sustainability. In fact, I used to even make one video a month about better practices in sustainability! As such, it should come as no surprise to you that I’m taking the challenge for myself to Pass on Plastic, and now I challenge you to do the same!
I was scrolling through instagram and came across a post by Cara Delevigne that caught my eye. Here it is!
A post shared by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on
Needless to say, I was very inspired, and decided to make my own video, first on facebook live, and then uploaded to my youtube channel, to the same playlist that I used to use for my monthly sustainability message!
Here’s my video on facebook live (please like my page)!
And in case you’re watching somewhere where facebook is blocked, here it is on my YouTube (please subscribe)!
In the comments and shares and discussion that followed the facebook live, one of my aunts brought up plastic bags. It’s funny, because I have been using reusable grocery bags for years and had completely forgotten that people still use plastic bags!
So, in addition to the water bottle, straws* & bambooware*, here’s a reminder to use reusable grocery bags*! If you’re in the LA area and need some, let me know, because I think I have probably 100! Speaking of LA area - if you have been buying bottled water because you’re skeeved out by LA tap water, I bought this and have been loving it* - it’s a much better alternative for the environment, is more convenient, and saves us money!
Speaking of saving money, yet another tip that is great to consider is bringing your own cup when you head to Starbucks (or wherever you get your caffeine)! Starbucks gives you ten cents off your purchase if you bring your own cup, and I know that many smaller mom & pop shops do the same to encourage eco-friendly practices!
In the video(s), I mention a video of a sea turtle that I saw, getting a straw removed from its eye. Here’s that video, in case you’re curious…. But I was confused - it was her nose, not her eye.
And, if you want a less graphic but still visual representation of why this is all so important, check out this video that was in my apple newsfeed today from the BBC.
I really hope that a lot of people and corporations start behaving more consciously, and that you join me in the Pass On Plastic initiative.
I recently learned about Seed Phytonutrients, which has invented a paper shampoo and conditioner bottle that won’t turn to mush in the shower! I’m so excited for them to launch in a couple months!
We could really use more forward-thinking companies, and we vote with our dollars. It’s important to pass on plastic, and let people know why! Please pledge to Pass on Plastic with me so we can all have a clean, beautiful world for generations to come!
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